Monday 13 December 2010


I thought I would get all of the cookery books out of the way next.  The "WI Bread" book by Liz Herbert is the only bread cookery book that you will ever need.  It is absolutely brilliant and I use it every week.  "The Humming Bird Bakery Cookbook" is also full of great recipes which always end up looking like the photo's - always very satisfying.

The book "Neither Flesh for Fowl" looks as if it should be good but I have never liked anything I've cooked from it.  I keep wondering about giving it to a charity shop but then I decide to give it another chance.

"The Vegetarian Epicure" is a book I bought in the early 1980's when I was in my dinner party phase.  I wanted to show everyone how great vegie cooking was and made lots of recipes from that book.

The Nigel Slater vegetable cook book is lovely but weighs a ton.  This was an important point as I was given it as a present when on holiday in Australia and then had to put it in my hand luggage coming home as it made my suitcase over the limit.

"The Dairy Book of Family Cookery" came from the milkman, also in the early 1980's.  I use it regularly and it is really useful.

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