Tuesday 21 December 2010


More Folio Society treasures. A little bit of Daphne du Maurier and a touch of Poe (never more), but mainly the mighty Chronicles of Narnia. Starting at the beginning with The Magician's Nephew and ending with The Last Battle. This series is (very) loosely based on the Bible. It starts with the creation, including the temptation of the tree hanging with forbidden fruit. Aslan is sacrificed and then resurrected. It ends with the final judgement where people go to heaven or hell.

If you look past all that symbolism, it is still a marvellous story. The original magician’s nephew turns into the professor in the second book. He brought his sick mother home an apple from Narnia which healed her. The pips from that apple produced a tree from which the wood came to build the famous wardrobe. I never understood why the film version completely ignored the start and jumped straight in with the second book.

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