Saturday 5 February 2011

Jane Austin

Here is my Folio Society boxed set of Jane Austin.  You have probably guessed by now that I once had a seriously expensive Folio Society habit!  I cut myself off and now immediately bin any of their letters so that I'm not tempted to spend all my money on their beautiful books.

The Bronte's are worthy, moral tales but Austin is fun.  Her characters suffer set backs and heartache, but you know that all will be well in the end.  The Bennet girls will not be left destitute, Emma will marry her Mr Woodhouse and even the awful Mr Collins manages to marry a suitable girl.

Pride and Prejudice, in particular, has been used in several films and TV adaptations across the years.  One on my favourites was the Anglo/Bollywood film Bride and Prejudice.  The Bennets become an Indian family called Bakshi living in Amritsar.  Very funny with some good song & dance numbers.

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